Cold Weather Backpacking – Tips for a Successful Trip

Cold Weather Backpacking – Tips for a Successful Trip

Getting outdoors in cold weather can be invigorating, exciting, and a great place to find solace. The haze of warmer weather falls away leading to crisp mountain views, and you can experience moments of breathtaking silence.  But, it can also be cold. Really, really cold. And you need to be prepared or things can go sideways.  Before…

Man hiking up mountain with large backpack

Easy Tips to Lighten Your Backpacking Pack Weight

You’ve been on a few backpacking trips now and have a better handle on your gear. But man, you’d love to lighten that pack weight by 2-3 pounds. After reading a ton of ultralight articles on reducing weight, you’re a little concerned.  This is looking like it’s either going to be expensive, or you’ll need to…